0825 文献阅读 The Role of Foam in Improving the Workability of Sand: Insights of DEM 财富是对认知的补偿,而非对勤奋的奖赏 岩土工程 武昌鱼 2023-08-25 217 热度 0评论
0430 论文阅读 predicting concrete compressive strength using hybrid ensembling of surrogata machine learning model 好事者比;好事者鄙 读论文 武昌鱼 2023-04-30 211 热度 0评论
0428 论文阅读 research on optimizing performance of new slurries for EPBS soil conditioning based on response surface method 身怀利器,杀心自起 岩土工程 武昌鱼 2023-04-29 227 热度 0评论
Analysis of Ultimate Bearing Capacity and Parameters of Steel Support Cutting Pipe Roofing Structure to name just two 岩土工程 武昌鱼 2023-01-04 225 热度 0评论